6  Supplemental Code

6.1 Code for plotting Integrated/Quasi Mediation Analysis Results

The following code is provided as an example of how to plot the results of the integrated/quasi-mediation analysis. Since the results of these models depend critically upon the structure of the data used for the models, these functions may require alterations to obtain informative figures when analyzing other datasets.

6.1.1 Early Integration of omics datasets

#' Plot Sankey Diagram for LUCID in Early integration
#' Given an object of class from LUCID
#' @param lucid_fit1  an object of class from LUCID
#' @param text_size  size of the text in sankey diagram
#' @return a Sankey Diagram for LUCID in Early integration
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot

sankey_early_integration <- function(lucid_fit1, text_size = 15) {
  # Get sankey dataframe ----
  get_sankey_df <- function(x,
                            G_color = "dimgray", 
                            X_color = "#eb8c30",
                            Z_color = "#2fa4da", 
                            Y_color = "#afa58e", 
                            pos_link_color = "#67928b", 
                            neg_link_color = "#d1e5eb", 
                            fontsize = 10) {
    K <- x$K
    var.names <- x$var.names
    dimG <- length(var.names$Gnames)
    dimZ <- length(var.names$Znames)
    valueGtoX <- as.vector(t(x$res_Beta[, -1]))
    valueXtoZ <- as.vector(t(x$res_Mu))
    valueXtoY <- as.vector(x$res_Gamma$beta)[1:K]
    # GtoX
    GtoX <- data.frame(
      source = rep(x$var.names$Gnames, K), 
      target = paste0("Latent Cluster", 
                      as.vector(sapply(1:K, function(x) rep(x, dimG)))), 
      value = abs(valueGtoX), 
      group = as.factor(valueGtoX > 0))
    # XtoZ
    XtoZ <- data.frame(
      source = paste0("Latent Cluster", 
                                       function(x) rep(x, dimZ)))), 
      target = rep(var.names$Znames, 
                   K), value = abs(valueXtoZ),
      group = as.factor(valueXtoZ > 
    # subset top 25% of each omics layer
    top25<- XtoZ %>%
      filter(source == "Latent Cluster1") %>%
      mutate(omics = case_when(grepl("cg", target) ~ "Methylation",
                               grepl("tc", target) ~ "Transcriptome",
                               grepl("miR", target) ~ "miRNA")) %>%
      group_by(omics) %>%
      arrange(desc(value)) %>%
      slice(1:7) %>%
    XtoZ_sub<- XtoZ %>%
      filter(target %in% top25$target)
    # XtoY
    XtoY <- data.frame(source = paste0("Latent Cluster", 1:K), 
                       target = rep(var.names$Ynames, K), value = abs(valueXtoY), 
                       group = as.factor(valueXtoY > 0))
    links <- rbind(GtoX, XtoZ_sub, XtoY)
    # links <- rbind(GtoX, XtoZ, XtoY)
    nodes <- data.frame(
      name = unique(c(as.character(links$source), 
      group = as.factor(c(rep("exposure",
                              dimG), rep("lc", K), rep("biomarker", nrow(XtoZ_sub)/2), "outcome")))
    # group = as.factor(c(rep("exposure", 
    # dimG), rep("lc", K), rep("biomarker", dimZ), "outcome")))
    ## the following two lines were used to exclude covars from the plot
    links <- links %>% filter(!grepl("cohort", source) & 
                                !grepl("age", source) & 
                                !grepl("fish", source) &
                                !grepl("sex", source))
    nodes <- nodes %>% filter(!grepl("cohort", name) &
                                !grepl("age", name) & 
                                !grepl("fish", name) &
                                !grepl("sex", name)) 
    links$IDsource <- match(links$source, nodes$name) - 1
    links$IDtarget <- match(links$target, nodes$name) - 1
    color_scale <- data.frame(
      domain = c("exposure", "lc", "biomarker", 
                 "outcome", "TRUE", "FALSE"), 
      range = c(G_color, X_color, 
                Z_color, Y_color, pos_link_color, neg_link_color))
    sankey_df = list(links = links, 
                     nodes = nodes)
  # 1. Get sankey dataframes ----
  sankey_dat <- get_sankey_df(lucid_fit1)
  n_omics <- length(lucid_fit1$var.names$Znames)
  # link data
  links <- sankey_dat[["links"]] 
  # node data
  nodes <- sankey_dat[["nodes"]] 
  nodes1 <- nodes %>% 
    mutate(group = case_when(str_detect(name,"Cluster") ~ "lc",
                             str_detect(name, "cg") ~ "CpG",
                             str_detect(name, "outcome") ~ "outcome",
                             str_detect(name, "pro") ~ "Prot",
                             str_detect(name, "met") ~ "Met",
                             str_detect(name, "tc") ~ "TC",
                             str_detect(name, "miR") ~ "miRNA",
                             str_detect(name, "G1") ~ "exposure"),
           name = ifelse(name == "G1", "Hg",name))
  links1 <- links %>%
    mutate(source = ifelse(source == "G1", "Hg",source))
  # 6. Plotly Version ----
  ## 6.1 Set Node Color Scheme: ----
  color_pal_sankey <- matrix(
    c("exposure", sankey_colors$range[sankey_colors$domain == "exposure"],
      "lc",       "#b3d8ff",
      "CpG",     sankey_colors$range[sankey_colors$domain == "layer1"],
      "TC",      sankey_colors$range[sankey_colors$domain == "layer2"],
      "miRNA", sankey_colors$range[sankey_colors$domain == "layer3"],
      "outcome",  sankey_colors$range[sankey_colors$domain == "Outcome"]), 
    ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) %>%
    as_tibble(.name_repair = "unique") %>% 
    janitor::clean_names() %>%
    dplyr::rename(group = x1, color = x2)
  # Add color scheme to nodes
  nodes_new_plotly <- nodes1 %>% 
    left_join(color_pal_sankey) %>%
      x = case_when(
        group == "exposure" ~ 0,
        str_detect(name, "Cluster") ~ 1/3,
        str_detect(name, "cg")|
          str_detect(name, "tc")|
          str_detect(name, "miR")|
          str_detect(name, "outcome")~ 2/3
  nodes_new_plotly1 <- nodes_new_plotly %>%
    # Modify names of features for plotting
   dplyr::select(group, color, x, name)%>% 
    mutate(name = case_when(name == "value" ~ "<b>Hg</b>",
                            name == "Latent Cluster1" ~ "<b>Joint Omics\nProfile 0</b>",
                            name == "Latent Cluster2" ~ "<b>Joint Omics\nProfile 1</b>",
                            TRUE ~ name))
  ## 6.2 Get links for Plotly, set color ----
  links_new <- links1  %>%
      link_color = case_when(
        # Ref link color
        value == 0 ~     "#f3f6f4",
        # # Cluster 
        # str_detect(source, "Cluster1") &  group == TRUE  ~  "#706C6C",
        # str_detect(source, "Cluster1") &  group == FALSE ~  "#D3D3D3",
        # str_detect(source, "Cluster2") &  group == TRUE  ~  "#706C6C",
        # str_detect(source, "Cluster2") &  group == FALSE ~  "#D3D3D3",
        # Exposure
        str_detect(source, "Hg") &  group == TRUE  ~  "red",
            # Outcome
        str_detect(target, "outcome") &  group == TRUE  ~  "red",
        # Methylation 
        str_detect(target, "tc") &  group == TRUE  ~  "#bf9000",
        str_detect(target, "tc") &  group == FALSE ~  "#ffd966",
        # Transcriptome
        str_detect(target, "cg") &  group == TRUE  ~  "#38761d",
        str_detect(target, "cg") &  group == FALSE ~  "#b6d7a8",
        # proteome
        str_detect(target, "miR") &  group == TRUE  ~  "#a64d79",
        str_detect(target, "miR") &  group == FALSE ~  "#ead1dc",
        group == FALSE ~ "#D3D3D3", # Negative association
        group == TRUE ~  "#706C6C")) # Positive association
  links_new1<- links_new %>%
   dplyr::select(colnames(links_new), target)
  plotly_link <- list(
    source = links_new1$IDsource,
    target = links_new1$IDtarget,
    value = links_new1$value+.00000000000000000000001, 
    color = links_new1$link_color)  
  # Get list of nodes for Plotly
  plotly_node <- list(
    label = nodes_new_plotly1$name, 
    color = nodes_new_plotly1$color,
    pad = 15,
    thickness = 20,
    line = list(color = "black",width = 0.5),
    x = nodes_new_plotly1$x, 
    # y = c(0.01, 
    #       0.3, 0.7, # clusters
    #       seq(from = .01, to = 1, by = 0.04)[1:(dimZ * 0.25)], # biomaker
    #       .95
    y = c(0.01,
          0.1, 0.5, # clusters
          seq(from = .05, to = 1, by = 0.04)[1:21],
          # seq(from = (.01+0.06*7), to = 1, by = 0.08)[1:5],
          # 0.9,
          # biomaker
  ## 6.3 Plot Figure ----
  (fig <- plot_ly(
    type = "sankey",
    domain = list(
      x =  c(0,1),
      y =  c(0,1)),
    orientation = "h",
    node = plotly_node,
    link = plotly_link))
  (fig <- fig %>% layout(
    # title = "Basic Sankey Diagram",
    font = list(
      size = text_size

6.1.2 Intermediate Integration of omics datasets

#' Plot Sankey Diagram for LUCID in parallel
#' @param lucidus_fit  an object of class from LUCID
#' @param sankey_colors a matrix including colors for each item in related sankey diagram
#' @param text_size  size of the text in sankey diagram
#' @param n_z_ftrs_to_plot an vector with numbers of features to show 
#' in the sankey diagram for each omic layer
#' @return a Sankey Diagram for LUCID in parallel
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @importFrom tidyr as_tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join
plot_lucid_in_parallel_plotly<- function(lucidus_fit,
                                         text_size = 10, 
                                         n_z_ftrs_to_plot = NULL){
  # Get number of clusters, layers, etc.
  K <- lucidus_fit$K
  dimG <- lucidus_fit$res_Beta$Beta[[1]] %>% ncol()-1
  n_layers   <- length(lucidus_fit$res_Beta$Beta)
  # Get top omics features based on effect size
    top_ftrs <- vector("list", n_layers)
    for(i in seq_along(top_ftrs)){
      top_ftrs[[i]] <- lucidus_fit$res_Mu[[i]] %>%
        as.data.frame() %>%
        rownames_to_column("name") %>%
        mutate(effect_size = abs(V1) + abs(V2)) %>%
      top_ftr_nms <- top_ftrs[[i]]$name[1:n_z_ftrs_to_plot[i]]
      lucidus_fit$res_Mu[[i]] <- 
          rownames(lucidus_fit$res_Mu[[i]]) %in% top_ftr_nms, ]
  mu_lst <- purrr::map(lucidus_fit$res_Mu, 
                       ~as.data.frame(.x) %>%
  names(mu_lst) <- paste0("layer", c(1:n_layers))
  dimZ <- purrr::map(mu_lst, ncol) %>% as.numeric()-1
  n_features <- purrr::map(mu_lst, nrow) %>% as.numeric()
  names(n_features) <- paste0("layer", c(1:n_layers))
  # Names of features and set order of omics features
  names_features <- bind_rows(mu_lst, .id = "color_group") %>% 
    rowwise() %>%
    mutate(sum = sum(abs(V1)+abs(V2)), 
           pos_c2 = if_else(V2>0, "pos", "neg")) %>%
    group_by(color_group, pos_c2) %>% arrange(-sum, .by_group = TRUE) %>% ungroup() %>% 
    mutate(rnum = row_number()) %>%
    group_by(name) %>% slice_head() %>% ungroup() %>%
    arrange(color_group, rnum) %>%
    dplyr::select(name, color_group)
  # Values for g --> x association
  valueGtoX <- c(lapply(lucidus_fit$res_Beta$Beta, 
                        function(x)(x[-1])) %>%
                 rep(0, dimG*n_layers))
  # For Cluster 2 (which needs effect estimates): 
  valueGtoX_c1 <- do.call(rbind, lucidus_fit$res_Beta$Beta)[,-1] %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
    dplyr::mutate(layer = str_c("(Layer ", row_number(), ")"),
                  cluster = "Cluster 2") 
  # For cluster 1 (ref. cluster, effect est = 0):
  valueGtoX_c2 <- valueGtoX_c1 %>%
    mutate(across(where(is.numeric), ~0), 
           cluster = "Cluster 1")
  # combine, pivot longer, and create source and target columns
  GtoX <- bind_rows(valueGtoX_c1, valueGtoX_c2) %>%
    mutate(target = str_c(cluster, layer, sep = " ")) %>%
    pivot_longer(cols = setdiff(colnames(valueGtoX_c1), 
                                c("layer", "cluster")), 
                 names_to = "source", values_to = "value") %>%
    mutate(color_group = as.factor(value > 0), 
           value = abs(value)) %>%
    dplyr::select(source, target, value, color_group) %>%
  valueXtoZ <- c(lapply(lucidus_fit$res_Mu, 
                        function(x)x[, 1]) %>% 
                        function(x)x[, 2]) %>% 
  valueXtoY <- c(rep(0, n_layers), 
                 # rep(lucidus_fit$res_Delta$Delta$mu[1] / n_layers, n_layers),
  # n features in each layer
  XtoZ <- data.frame(source = c(rep("Cluster 1 (Layer 1)", n_features[1]),
                                rep("Cluster 1 (Layer 2)", n_features[2]),
                                rep("Cluster 1 (Layer 3)", n_features[3]),
                                # rep("Cluster 1 (Layer 4)", n_features[4]),
                                rep("Cluster 2 (Layer 1)", n_features[1]),
                                rep("Cluster 2 (Layer 2)", n_features[2]),
                                rep("Cluster 2 (Layer 3)", n_features[3]) 
                                # rep("Cluster 2 (Layer 4)", n_features[4])
  target = rep(c(lapply(lucidus_fit$res_Mu,
                        rownames) %>% unlist()),
  value = abs(valueXtoZ), 
  color_group = as.factor(valueXtoZ > 0))
  # To change the outcome from left to right hand side, flip source and target
  XtoY <- data.frame(target = rep("Outcome", 2*n_layers), 
                     source = c("Cluster 1 (Layer 1)", 
                                "Cluster 1 (Layer 2)",
                                "Cluster 1 (Layer 3)",
                                # "Cluster 1 (Layer 4)",
                                "Cluster 2 (Layer 1)",
                                "Cluster 2 (Layer 2)",
                                "Cluster 2 (Layer 3)" 
                                # "Cluster 2 (Layer 4)"
                     value = abs(valueXtoY), 
                     color_group = as.factor(valueXtoY > 0))
  # create Sankey diagram
  # Create Links ----
  links <- rbind(GtoX, XtoZ, XtoY) %>%
      # Group: one of exposure, clusters, or outcomes 
      # (doesn't include Z.order by desired order)
      source_group = case_when(
        str_detect(source, "Cluster") ~ "2_Cluster", 
        # source == "Outcome" ~ "3_outcome", # removed when moving outcome to right
        TRUE ~ "1_exposure"), 
      # Source Omics Layer: lc1-lc4 (for omics layers), outcome, or other 
      source_layer = case_when(
        str_detect(source, "Layer 1") ~ "lc1", 
        str_detect(source, "Layer 2") ~ "lc2", 
        str_detect(source, "Layer 3") ~ "lc3", 
        str_detect(source, "Layer 4") ~ "lc4",
        # source == "Outcome" ~ str_sub(target, start = -3, end = -2),  # removed when moving outcome to right
        TRUE ~ "exposure"), 
      # Source group_ for color (one of: exposure, : lc1-lc4 (for omics layers), outcome, or other 
      color_group_node = if_else(source == "Outcome", 
                                 source_layer)) %>%
    group_by(source_group) %>%
    arrange(source_layer, .by_group = TRUE) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    dplyr::select(source, target, value, color_group, color_group_node)
  # Create Nodes ----
  nodes <- links %>%
    dplyr::select(source, color_group_node) %>%
    mutate(rownum = row_number()) %>%
    rename(name = source, 
           color_group = color_group_node) %>%
    # Add outcome (only if outcome is on right side)
    bind_rows(data.frame(name = "Outcome", color_group = "Outcome")) %>%
    group_by(name) %>%
    slice_head() %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    arrange(rownum) %>%
    dplyr::select(-rownum) %>%
    # Add feature names
    bind_rows(names_features) %>% 
    mutate(id = row_number()-1) %>%
    left_join(sankey_colors, by = c( "color_group"= "domain"))
  # Join links and nodes for color names -----
  links <- links %>%
    left_join(nodes %>% 
                dplyr::select(id, name), 
              by = c("source" = "name")) %>%
    rename(source_id = id) %>% 
    dplyr::select(source_id, everything()) %>%
    left_join(nodes %>% 
                dplyr::select(id, name), 
              by = c("target" = "name")) %>%
    rename(target_id = id) %>% 
    dplyr::select(source_id,source, target_id,everything()) 
  # Manually change colors ----
  links <- links  %>%
      link_color = case_when(
        # Ref link color
        value == 0 ~     "#f3f6f4", 
        # Outcome
        str_detect(target, "Outcome") &  color_group == TRUE  ~  "red",
        # Methylation 
        str_detect(source, "Layer 2") &  color_group == TRUE  ~  "#bf9000",
        str_detect(source, "Layer 2") &  color_group == FALSE ~  "#ffd966",
        # Transcriptome
        str_detect(source, "Layer 1") &  color_group == TRUE  ~  "#38761d",
        str_detect(source, "Layer 1") &  color_group == FALSE ~  "#b6d7a8",
        # mirna
        str_detect(source, "Layer 3") &  color_group == TRUE  ~  "#a64d79",
        str_detect(source, "Layer 3") &  color_group == FALSE ~  "#ead1dc",
        links$color_group == FALSE ~ "#d9d2e9", # Negative association
        links$color_group == TRUE ~  "red"))
  ## change node names
  nodes <- nodes %>%
    mutate(name = case_when(name == "value" ~ "<b>Hg</b>",
                            name == "Cluster 1 (Layer 1)" ~ "<b>Methylation\nProfile 0</b>",
                            name == "Cluster 2 (Layer 1)" ~ "<b>Methylation\nProfile 1</b>",
                            name == "Cluster 1 (Layer 2)" ~ "<b>Transcriptome\nProfile 0</b>",
                            name == "Cluster 2 (Layer 2)" ~ "<b>Transcriptome\nProfile 1</b>",
                            name == "Cluster 1 (Layer 3)" ~ "<b>miRNA\nProfile 0</b>",
                            name == "Cluster 2 (Layer 3)" ~ "<b>miRNA\nProfile 1</b>",
                            TRUE ~ name),
           x = case_when(
             name == "Hg" ~ 0,
             str_detect(name, "Methylation") |
               str_detect(name, "Transcript") | 
               str_detect(name, "miRNA") ~ 1/3, 
             str_detect(name, "cg")|
               str_detect(name, "tc")|
               str_detect(name, "miR")| 
               str_detect(name, "Outcome") ~ 2/3))
  (fig <- plot_ly(
    type = "sankey",
    orientation = "h",
    domain = list(
      x =  c(0,0.8),
      y =  c(0,1)),
    # arrangement = "snap",
    node = list(
      label = nodes$name,
      color = nodes$range,
      pad = 15,
      thickness = 20,
      line = list(
        color = "black",
        width = 0.5
      x = nodes$x
    link = list(
      source = links$source_id,
      target = links$target_id,
      value =  links$value+.00000000000000000000001,
      # label = links$source,
      color = links$link_color
  fig <- fig %>% layout(
    font = list(
      size = text_size
    xaxis = list(showgrid = F, zeroline = F),
    yaxis = list(showgrid = F, zeroline = F)

# Set Color Palettes 
col_pal <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 8, name = "Dark2")

# Set Sankey Colors ----
# Color pallet for sankey diagrams
sankey_colors <- matrix(c("exposure", col_pal[6],
                          "lc1",      col_pal[1],
                          "lc2",      col_pal[2],
                          "lc3",      col_pal[3],
                          "lc4",      col_pal[4],
                          "layer1",   col_pal[1],
                          "layer2",   col_pal[2],
                          "layer3",   col_pal[3],
                          "layer4",   col_pal[4],
                          "Outcome",  col_pal[8],
                          "TRUE",     "#6372e0", # Blue
                          "FALSE",    "#d1d4ff", # Light grey
                          "pos_clus_to_out", "red", 
                          "neg_clus_to_out", "#e4e5f2"), 
                        byrow = TRUE, nrow = 14)

# Change to dataframe
colnames(sankey_colors) <- c("domain", "range")
sankey_colors <- as.data.frame(sankey_colors)

6.1.3 Late Integration of omics datasets

#' Plot Sankey Diagram for LUCID in late integration

# Get sankey dataframe
get_sankey_df <- function(x,
                          G_color = "dimgray", 
                          X_color = "#eb8c30",
                          Z_color = "#2fa4da", 
                          Y_color = "#afa58e", 
                          pos_link_color = "#67928b", 
                          neg_link_color = "#d1e5eb", 
                          fontsize = 7) {
  K <- x$K
  var.names <- x$var.names
  pars <- x$pars
  dimG <- length(var.names$Gnames)
  dimZ <- length(var.names$Znames)
  valueGtoX <- as.vector(t(x$res_Beta[, -1]))
  valueXtoZ <- as.vector(t(x$res_Mu))
  valueXtoY <- as.vector(x$res_Gamma$beta)[1:K]
  # GtoX
  GtoX <- data.frame(
    source = rep(x$var.names$Gnames, K), 
    target = paste0("Latent Cluster", 
                    as.vector(sapply(1:K, function(x) rep(x, dimG)))), 
    value = abs(valueGtoX), 
    group = as.factor(valueGtoX > 0))
  # XtoZ
  XtoZ <- data.frame(
    source = paste0("Latent Cluster", 
                                     function(x) rep(x, dimZ)))), 
    target = rep(var.names$Znames, 
                 K), value = abs(valueXtoZ),
    group = as.factor(valueXtoZ > 
  # XtoY
  XtoY <- data.frame(source = paste0("Latent Cluster", 1:K), 
                     target = rep(var.names$Ynames, K), value = abs(valueXtoY), 
                     group = as.factor(valueXtoY > 0))
  links <- rbind(GtoX, XtoZ, XtoY)
  nodes <- data.frame(
    name = unique(c(as.character(links$source), 
    group = as.factor(c(rep("exposure", 
                            dimG), rep("lc", K), rep("biomarker", dimZ), "outcome")))
  ## the following two lines were used to exclude covars from the plot 
  links <- links %>% filter(!grepl("cohort", source) & 
                              !grepl("age", source) & 
                              !grepl("fish", source) &
                              !grepl("sex", source))
  nodes <- nodes %>% filter(!grepl("cohort", name) &
                              !grepl("age", name) & 
                              !grepl("fish", name) &
                              !grepl("sex", name))  
  links$IDsource <- match(links$source, nodes$name) - 1
  links$IDtarget <- match(links$target, nodes$name) - 1
  color_scale <- data.frame(
    domain = c("exposure", "lc", "biomarker", 
               "outcome", "TRUE", "FALSE"), 
    range = c(G_color, X_color, 
              Z_color, Y_color, pos_link_color, neg_link_color))
  sankey_df = list(links = links, 
                   nodes = nodes)
  # p <- sankeyNetwork(
  #   Links = sankey_df$links, 
  #   Nodes = sankey_df$nodes, 
  #   Source = "IDsource", 
  #   Target = "IDtarget",
  #   Value = "value", 
  #   NodeID = "name", 
  #   colourScale = JS(sprintf("d3.scaleOrdinal()\n .domain(%s)\n .range(%s)\n ", 
  #                            jsonlite::toJSON(color_scale$domain), 
  #                            jsonlite::toJSON(color_scale$range))), 
  #   LinkGroup = "group", 
  #   NodeGroup = "group", 
  #   sinksRight = FALSE, 
  #   fontSize = fontsize)
  # p

# sankey_in_serial Function ----
sankey_in_serial <- function(lucid_fit1, lucid_fit2, lucid_fit3, color_pal_sankey, text_size = 15) {
  # 1. Get sankey dataframes ----
  sankey_dat1 <- get_sankey_df(lucid_fit1)
  sankey_dat2 <- get_sankey_df(lucid_fit2)
  sankey_dat3 <- get_sankey_df(lucid_fit3)
  n_omics_1 <- length(lucid_fit1$var.names$Znames)
  n_omics_2 <- length(lucid_fit2$var.names$Znames)
  n_omics_3 <- length(lucid_fit3$var.names$Znames)
  # combine link data
  lnks1_methylation <- sankey_dat1[["links"]] %>% mutate(analysis = "1_methylation")
  lnks2_miRNA  <- sankey_dat2[["links"]] %>% mutate(analysis = "2_miRNA")
  lnks3_transcription    <- sankey_dat3[["links"]] %>% mutate(analysis = "3_transcript")
  links <- bind_rows(lnks1_methylation, lnks2_miRNA, lnks3_transcription)
  # combine node data
  nodes1_methylation <- sankey_dat1[["nodes"]] %>% mutate(analysis = "1_methylation")
  nodes2_miRNA  <- sankey_dat2[["nodes"]] %>% mutate(analysis = "2_miRNA")
  nodes3_transcription    <- sankey_dat3[["nodes"]] %>% mutate(analysis = "3_transcript")
  nodes <- bind_rows(nodes1_methylation, nodes2_miRNA, nodes3_transcription)
  # 2. Modify analysis 1 ----
  # For analysis 1, latent clusters need to be renamed to names from analysis 2:
  ## 2.1 Get new and original latent cluster names (from the next analysis) ----
  names_clusters_1 <- data.frame(
    name_og = c("Latent Cluster1", "Latent Cluster2"), 
    name_new = c("<b>Methylation\nProfile 0</b>", "<b>Methylation\nProfile 1</b>"))
  ## 2.2 Change link names ----
  # Change link names and 
  lnks1_methylation_new <- sankey_dat1[["links"]] %>%
      analysis = "1_methylation",
      source = case_when(
        source == names_clusters_1$name_og[1] ~ names_clusters_1$name_new[1],
        source == names_clusters_1$name_og[2] ~ names_clusters_1$name_new[2],
        TRUE ~ source),
      target = case_when(
        target == names_clusters_1$name_og[1] ~ names_clusters_1$name_new[1],
        target == names_clusters_1$name_og[2] ~ names_clusters_1$name_new[2],
        TRUE ~ target)) %>%
    filter(target != "outcome")
  ## 2.3 Change node names ----
  # first, change latent cluster names to analysis specific cluster names
  nodes1_methylation_new <- sankey_dat1[["nodes"]] %>%
      name = case_when(
        name == names_clusters_1$name_og[1] ~ names_clusters_1$name_new[1],
        name == names_clusters_1$name_og[2] ~ names_clusters_1$name_new[2],
        TRUE ~ name), 
      group = if_else(group == "biomarker", "CpG", as.character(group))) %>%
    filter(group != "outcome")
  # Visualize
  # sankeyNetwork(
  #   Links = lnks1_methylation_new,
  #   Nodes = nodes1_methylation_new,
  #   Source = "IDsource", Target = "IDtarget",
  #   Value = "value", NodeID = "name", LinkGroup = "group", NodeGroup = "group",
  #   sinksRight = FALSE)
  # 3. Modify analysis 2 ----
  # For analysis 2, latent clusters need to be renamed to names from analysis 3:
  ## 3.1 Get new and og latent cluster names ----
  names_clusters_2 <- data.frame(
    name_og = c("Latent Cluster1", "Latent Cluster2"), 
    name_new = c("<b>miRNA\nProfile 0</b>", "<b>miRNA\nProfile 1</b>"))
  ## 3.2 Change cluster names ----
  lnks2_miRNA_new <- sankey_dat2[["links"]] %>% 
      analysis = "2_miRNA", 
      source = case_when(
        source == names_clusters_2$name_og[1] ~ names_clusters_2$name_new[1], 
        source == names_clusters_2$name_og[2] ~ names_clusters_2$name_new[2], 
        TRUE ~ source), 
      target = case_when(
        target == names_clusters_2$name_og[1] ~ names_clusters_2$name_new[1], 
        target == names_clusters_2$name_og[2] ~ names_clusters_2$name_new[2], 
        TRUE ~ target)) %>%
    filter(target != "outcome")
  ## 3.3 Change node names ----
  nodes2_miRNA_new <- sankey_dat2[["nodes"]] %>% 
      name = case_when(
        name == names_clusters_2$name_og[1] ~ names_clusters_2$name_new[1], 
        name == names_clusters_2$name_og[2] ~ names_clusters_2$name_new[2], 
        TRUE ~ name), 
      group = case_when(group == "exposure" ~ "lc", 
                        group == "biomarker" ~ "miRNA",
                        TRUE ~ as.character(group))) %>%
    filter(name != "outcome")
  # Visualize
  # sankeyNetwork(
  #   Links = lnks2_transcript_new, 
  #   Nodes = nodes2_transcript_new,
  #   Source = "IDsource", Target = "IDtarget",
  #   Value = "value", NodeID = "name", 
  #   LinkGroup = "group", NodeGroup = "group",
  #   sinksRight = FALSE)
  # 4. Modify analysis 3 ----
  # For analysis 2, latent clusters need to be renamed to names from analysis 3:
  ## 4.1 Get new and og latent cluster names ----
  names_clusters_3 <- tibble(
    name_og = c("Latent Cluster1", "Latent Cluster2"),
    name_new = c("<b>Transcriptome\nProfile 0</b>", "<b>Transcriptome\nProfile 1</b>")) 
  ## 4.2 Change cluster names ----
  lnks3_transcript_new <- sankey_dat3[["links"]] %>% 
      analysis = "3_transcript", 
      source = case_when(
        source == names_clusters_3$name_og[1] ~ names_clusters_3$name_new[1], 
        source == names_clusters_3$name_og[2] ~ names_clusters_3$name_new[2], 
        TRUE ~ source), 
      target = case_when(
        target == names_clusters_3$name_og[1] ~ names_clusters_3$name_new[1], 
        target == names_clusters_3$name_og[2] ~ names_clusters_3$name_new[2], 
        TRUE ~ target))
  ## 4.3 Change node names ----
  nodes3_transcript_new <- sankey_dat3[["nodes"]] %>% 
      name = case_when(
        name == names_clusters_3$name_og[1] ~ names_clusters_3$name_new[1], 
        name == names_clusters_3$name_og[2] ~ names_clusters_3$name_new[2], 
        TRUE ~ name), 
      group = case_when(group == "exposure" ~ "lc", 
                        group == "biomarker" ~ "TC",
                        TRUE ~ as.character(group)))
  # Test/Visualize
  # sankeyNetwork(
  #   Links = lnks3_protein_new, 
  #   Nodes = nodes3_protein_new,
  #   Source = "IDsource", Target = "IDtarget",
  #   Value = "value", NodeID = "name", LinkGroup = "group", NodeGroup = "group",
  #   sinksRight = FALSE)
  # 5. Combine analysis 1-3 ----
  ## 5.1 Final Links ----
  links_all_1 <- bind_rows(lnks1_methylation_new, 
                           lnks3_transcript_new) %>%
    dplyr::select(-IDsource, -IDtarget)
  ### 5.1.1 Arrange by magnitude ----
  omics_priority <- links_all_1 %>% 
    filter(str_detect(source, "Profile 0"), 
           str_detect(target, "Profile 0", negate = TRUE), 
           str_detect(target, "Profile 1", negate = TRUE), 
           str_detect(target, "outcome", negate = TRUE)) %>%
    group_by(source) %>%
    arrange(desc(group), desc(value), .by_group = TRUE) %>%
    mutate(omics_order = row_number()) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    dplyr::select(target, omics_order)
  links_all <- links_all_1 %>%
    left_join(omics_priority) %>%
      # arrange_me = if_else(is.na(omics_order), 
      #                           "dont_arrange", 
      #                           "arrange"), 
      row_num = row_number(), 
      # row_num_order_comb = if_else(is.na(omics_order), 
      #                              row_num, 
      #                              omics_order), 
      row_num_to_add = if_else(is.na(omics_order), 
                               NA_real_) %>%
      order = if_else(is.na(omics_order), 
    ) %>%
  ### 5.1.2 Get new source and target IDs ----
  # First, combine all layers, get unique identifier
  node_ids <- tibble(name = unique(c(unique(links_all$source), 
                                     unique(links_all$target)))) %>%
    mutate(ID = row_number()-1)
  # Then combine with original data 
  links_new <- links_all %>%
    left_join(node_ids, by = c("source" = "name")) %>%
    dplyr::rename(IDsource = ID) %>%
    left_join(node_ids, by = c("target" = "name")) %>%
    dplyr::rename(IDtarget = ID)
  ## 5.2 Final Nodes ----
  nodes_new <- node_ids %>%
    dplyr::select(name) %>%
  # remove duplicates 
  nodes_new_nodup <- nodes_new[!base::duplicated(nodes_new),] %>%
  # 6. Plotly Version ----
  # Add color scheme to nodes
  nodes_new_plotly <- nodes_new_nodup %>% 
    left_join(color_pal_sankey) %>%
      x = case_when(
        group == "exposure" ~ 0,
        str_detect(name, "Methylation") ~ 1/5, 
        str_detect(name, "miRNA") | 
          str_detect(group, "CpG") ~ 2/5, 
        str_detect(name, "Transcriptome") | 
          str_detect(group, "miRNA") ~ 3/5, 
        str_detect(group, "TC") ~  4/5, 
        str_detect(group, "outcome") ~ 4.5/5, 
  ## 6.2 Get links for Plotly, set color ----
  links_new <- links_new  %>%
      link_color = case_when(
        # Ref link color
        value == 0 ~     "#f3f6f4", 
        # Methylation 
        str_detect(target, "outcome") &  group == TRUE  ~  "red",
        str_detect(source, "Transcriptome") &  group == TRUE  ~  "#bf9000",
        str_detect(source, "Transcriptome") &  group == FALSE ~  "#ffd966",
        # Transcriptome
        str_detect(source, "Methylation") &  group == TRUE  ~  "#38761d",
        str_detect(source, "Methylation") &  group == FALSE ~  "#b6d7a8",
        # proteome
        str_detect(source, "miRNA") &  group == TRUE  ~  "#a64d79",
        str_detect(source, "miRNA") &  group == FALSE ~  "#ead1dc",
        links_new$group == FALSE ~ "#d9d2e9", # Negative association
        links_new$group == TRUE ~  "red")) # Positive association
  plotly_link <- list(
    source = links_new$IDsource,
    target = links_new$IDtarget,
    value = links_new$value+.00000000000000000000001, 
    color = links_new$link_color)  
  # Get list of nodes for Plotly
  plotly_node <- list(
    label = nodes_new_plotly$name, 
    color = nodes_new_plotly$color,
    pad = 15,
    thickness = 20,
    line = list(color = "black",width = 0.5), 
    x = nodes_new_plotly$x, 
    y = c(0.01, 
          0.1, 0.3, # Methylation clusters
          .45, .55, # Transcriptome clusters
          .80, .95, # Proteome clusters
          seq(from = .01, to = 1, by = 0.035)[1:n_omics_1], # Cpgs (10 total)
          seq(from = 0.35, to = 1, by = 0.025)[1:n_omics_2], # miRNA (8 total)
          seq(from = 0.75, to = 1, by = 0.03)[1:n_omics_3], # Transcript (10 total)
  ## 6.3 Plot Figure ----
  fig <- plot_ly(
    type = "sankey",
    domain = list(
      x =  c(0,1),
      y =  c(0,1)),
    orientation = "h",
    node = plotly_node,
    link = plotly_link)
  (fig <- fig %>% layout(
    # title = "Basic Sankey Diagram",
    font = list(
      size = text_size

6.1.4 Plot Omics Profile

#' Plot of Omics profiles for each cluster using LUCID
#' Given an object of class from LUCID
#' @param fit an object of class from LUCID
#' @param integration_type type of integration, "Early" or "Intermediate"
#' @return a figure of Omics profiles for each cluster using LUCID
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot
plot_omics_profiles <- function(fit, integration_type, omics_lst_data) {
  # Combines omics data into one dataframe
  omics_lst_df <- purrr::map(omics_lst_data, ~tibble::as_tibble(.x, rownames = "name"))
  # Get metadata file
  meta_df <- imap_dfr(omics_lst_df,
                      ~tibble(omic_layer = .y, ftr_name = names(.x))) |>
    filter(ftr_name != "name") |>
    mutate(omic_num = case_when(str_detect(omic_layer, "meth") ~ 1,
                                str_detect(omic_layer, "transc") ~ 2,
                                str_detect(omic_layer, "miR") ~ 3,
                                str_detect(omic_layer, "pro") ~ 4,
                                str_detect(omic_layer, "met") ~ 5))
  if(integration_type == "Early"){
    M_mean = as.data.frame(fit$res_Mu)
    M_mean$cluster = as.factor(1:2)
    # Reshape the data
    M_mean_melt <- M_mean %>% 
      pivot_longer(cols = -cluster, names_to = "variable", values_to = "value")
    M_mean_melt <- M_mean_melt %>% 
      mutate(cluster = paste0("Cluster ", cluster))
    # add color label for omics layer
    M_mean_melt = M_mean_melt %>%
      mutate(color_label = case_when(str_detect(variable,  "cg") ~ "1", 
                                     str_detect(variable, "tc") ~ "2", 
                                     TRUE ~ "3"))
    fig <- ggplot(M_mean_melt, 
                  aes(fill = color_label, y = value, x = variable)) +
      geom_bar(position="dodge", stat="identity") +
      ggtitle("Omics profiles for the two latent clusters") +
      facet_grid(rows = vars(cluster), scales = "free_y") +
      theme(legend.position="none") +
      geom_hline(yintercept = 0) +
      xlab("") +
      theme(text = element_text(size=10),
            axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 1,
                                       hjust = 1),
            plot.margin = margin(10, 10, 10, 80),
            panel.background = element_rect(fill="white"), 
            strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white"),
            axis.line.x = element_line(color = "black"),
            axis.line.y = element_line(color = "black"),) +
      scale_fill_manual(values = c("#2fa4da", "#A77E69", "#e7b6c1"))
  } else if(integration_type == "Intermediate"){
    M_mean = as_tibble(fit$res_Mu[[1]], rownames = "variable") %>%
      bind_rows(as_tibble(fit$res_Mu[[2]], rownames = "variable")) %>%
      bind_rows(as_tibble(fit$res_Mu[[3]], rownames = "variable"))
    # Reorder results because mirna order is reversed
    M_mean1 <- M_mean %>% 
      left_join(meta_df, by = c("variable" = "ftr_name")) %>%
      mutate(`Low Risk`  =  if_else(omic_layer == "miRna", V2, V1), 
             `High Risk` =  if_else(omic_layer == "miRna", V1, V2)) %>%
      dplyr::select(-c("V1", "V2"))
    # Pivot longer for figure 
    M_mean_l <- M_mean1 %>% 
      pivot_longer(cols = c(`Low Risk`, `High Risk`),
                   names_to = "cluster",
                   values_to = "value")
    # add color label for omics layer
    M_mean2 = M_mean_l %>%
      mutate(color_label = case_when(omic_layer == "methylome" ~ "1", 
                                     omic_layer == "transcriptome" ~ "2", 
                                     omic_layer == "miRna" ~ "3"), 
             low_high = if_else(str_detect(cluster, "Low"), 0,1),
             omic = if_else(omic_layer == "miRna", 
                            str_sub(omic_layer, end = 1) %>% toupper()),
             omic_cluster = str_c(omic, low_high))
    # Filter only the top ## differential expressed features 
    M_mean2_top <- M_mean2 %>% 
      group_by(variable) %>% 
      filter(abs(value) == max(abs(value))) %>% 
      ungroup() %>% 
      arrange(max(abs(value))) %>% 
      group_by(omic_layer) %>% 
      slice_head(n=12) %>%
    # Plots top 12 features
    fig <- ggplot(M_mean2  %>% filter(variable %in% M_mean2_top$variable),
                  aes(fill = color_label, y = value, x = variable)) +
      geom_bar(position="dodge", stat="identity") +
      ggtitle("Omics profiles for 2 latent clusters - Lucid in Parallel") +
      facet_grid(rows = vars(cluster),
                 cols = vars(omic_layer), scales = "free_x", space = "free") +
      theme(legend.position="none") +
      geom_hline(yintercept = 0) +
      xlab("") +
      theme(text = element_text(size=10),
            axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 1,
                                       hjust = 1),
            plot.margin = margin(10, 10, 10, 80),
            panel.background = element_rect(fill="white"),
            strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white"),
            axis.line.x = element_line(color = "black"),
            axis.line.y = element_line(color = "black"),) +
      scale_fill_manual(values = c("#2fa4da", "#A77E69", "#e7b6c1"))

6.1.5 Change the Reference Cluster for Different LUCID Models

#' reorder cluster estimated from LUCID
#' @param model a model returned the function lucid
#' @param order the desired order of the cluster label. For example, if 2 clusters
#' are estiamted and you want to flip the cluster label, you should input c(2, 1).
#' The first element will be used as the reference cluster
reorder_lucid <- function(model,
                          order) {
  # record parameters 
  pars <- model$pars
  beta <- pars$beta
  mu <- pars$mu
  sigma <- pars$sigma
  gamma <- pars$gamma
  K <- model$K
  # 1 - reorder exposure effect
  # use the estimate from the 
  ref_cluster <- order[1]
  beta <- t(t(beta) - beta[ref_cluster, ])[order, ]
  # 2 - reorder omic effect
  mu <- mu[order, ]
  var <- vector(mode = "list", length = K)
  for (i in 1:K) {
    var[[i]] <- sigma[[order[i]]]
  # 3 - reorder outcome effect
  gamma$beta[1:K] <- gamma$beta[order]
  gamma$sigma <- gamma$sigma[order]
  model$pars <- list(beta = beta,
                     mu = mu,
                     sigma = sigma,
                     gamma = gamma)

# example ----
# G <- sim_data$G
# Z <- sim_data$Z
# Y_normal <- sim_data$Y_normal
# cov <- sim_data$Covariate
# # In this model, the exposure effect should be around 2
# fit <- lucid(G = G, Z = Z, Y = Y_normal, CoY = cov)
# summary_lucid(fit)
# flip the label of the 2 clusters, 
# which is equivalent to use the second cluster as the reference cluster
# fit_reorder <- reorder_lucid(model = fit,
#                              order = c(2, 1))
# the exposure effect should be around 1/2

#' 2. change variable name in the sankey diagram ------------------
#' @title Visualize LUCID model through a Sankey diagram
#' @description In the Sankey diagram, each node either represents a variable (exposure,
#' omics or outcome) or a latent cluster. Each line represents an association. The
#' color of the node represents variable type, either exposure, omics or outcome.
#' The width of the line represents the effect size of a certain association; the
#' color of the line represents the direction of a certain association. 
#' @param x A LUCID model fitted by \code{\link{est_lucid}}
#' @param G_color Color of node for exposure
#' @param X_color Color of node for latent cluster
#' @param Z_color Color of node for omics data
#' @param G_name variable name for latent exposure variables
#' @param Z_name variable name for omic features
#' @param pos_link_color Color of link corresponds to positive association
#' @param neg_link_color Color of link corresponds to negative association
#' @param fontsize Font size for annotation
#' @return A DAG graph created by \code{\link{sankeyNetwork}}

plot_lucid_without_outcome <- function(x,
                       G_color = "dimgray",
                       X_color = "#eb8c30",
                       Z_color = "#2fa4da",
                       G_name = NULL,
                       Z_name = NULL,
                       pos_link_color = "#67928b",
                       neg_link_color = "#d1e5eb",
                       fontsize = 7
) {
  K <- x$K
  var.names <- x$var.names
  pars <- x$pars
  dimG <- length(var.names$Gnames)
  dimZ <- length(var.names$Znames)
  valueGtoX <- as.vector(t(x$pars$beta[, -1]))
  valueXtoZ <- as.vector(t(x$pars$mu))
  # valueXtoY <- as.vector(x$pars$gamma$beta)[1:K]
  if(is.null(G_name)) {
    G_name = x$var.names$Gnames
  GtoX <- data.frame(source = rep(G_name, K),
                     target = paste0("Latent Cluster", as.vector(sapply(1:K, function(x) rep(x, dimG)))),
                     value = abs(valueGtoX),
                     group = as.factor(valueGtoX > 0))
  if(is.null(Z_name)) {
    Z_name = var.names$Znames
  XtoZ <- data.frame(source = paste0("Latent Cluster", as.vector(sapply(1:K, function(x) rep(x, dimZ)))),
                     target = rep(Z_name, K),
                     value = abs(valueXtoZ),
                     group = as.factor(valueXtoZ > 0))
  # if(is.null(Y_name)) {
  #   Y_name = var.names$Ynames
  # }
  # XtoY <- data.frame(source = paste0("Latent Cluster", 1:K),
  #                    target = rep(Y_name, K),
  #                    value = abs(valueXtoY),
  #                    group = as.factor(valueXtoY > 0))

  links <- rbind(GtoX, XtoZ) #, XtoY
  nodes <- data.frame(name = unique(c(as.character(links$source), as.character(links$target))),
                      group = as.factor(c(rep("exposure", dimG), 
                                          rep("lc", K), 
                                          rep("biomarker", dimZ))))
  links$IDsource <- match(links$source, nodes$name)-1 
  links$IDtarget <- match(links$target, nodes$name)-1 
  color_scale <- data.frame(domain = c("exposure", "lc", "biomarker", "TRUE", "FALSE"),
                            range = c(G_color, X_color, Z_color, pos_link_color, neg_link_color))
  p <- sankeyNetwork(Links = links, 
                     Nodes = nodes,
                     Source = "IDsource", 
                     Target = "IDtarget",
                     Value = "value", 
                     NodeID = "name",
                     colourScale = JS(
                     LinkGroup ="group", 
                     NodeGroup ="group",
                     sinksRight = FALSE, 
                     fontSize = fontsize)

# example
# plot_lucid(fit)
# plot_lucid_without_outcome(fit)
# # you can also re-name exposure names and the omic feature name
# plot_lucid_without_outcome(fit,
#            G_name = paste0("PFAS_", 1:10))

#' reorder LUCID in Parallel model by specifying reference cluster ------------
# note: only works for K = 2 in each omic layer
# reference = c(1,1,2)
# lucidus_fit <- fit_reordered
reorder_lucid_parallel <- function(lucidus_fit,
                                   reference = NULL) {
  if(is.null(reference)) {
    warning("no reference specified, return the original model")
  n_omic <- length(reference)
  # reorder beta
  GtoX <- lucidus_fit$res_Beta$Beta
  lucidus_fit$res_Beta$Beta <- lapply(1:n_omic, function(i) {
    (-1)^(reference[i] - 1) * GtoX[[i]] # if reference = 1, no changes; 
    # if reference = 2, flip the reference and negate the estimates
  # reorder mu
  XtoZ <- lucidus_fit$res_Mu
  lucidus_fit$res_Mu <- lapply(1:n_omic, function(i) {
    x <- c(1, 2) # order of clusters
    if(reference[i] == 2) {
      x <- c(2, 1)
      XtoZ[[i]][, x]
    } else{
      XtoZ[[i]][, x]
  # reorder gamma
  XtoY <- lucidus_fit$res_Gamma$Gamma$mu
  XtoY[1] <- XtoY[1] + sum(XtoY[-1] * (reference - 1)) # reference level using the new reference
  XtoY[-1] <- (-1)^(reference - 1) * XtoY[-1] # if reference = 2, flip the estimates
  lucidus_fit$res_Gamma$Gamma$mu <- XtoY
  lucidus_fit$res_Gamma$fit$coefficients <- XtoY
  # return the object using the new reference